A book which was taken out of a north Essex library in 1979 has been returned 44 years late. 

The copy of “Great Prime Ministers” has been returned to Manningtree Library, in High Street in the coastal town.

The book by John Whittle was taken out on June 30, 1979, and had not been seen since by staff. 

But staff were happy to see the long-lost book returned by the customer’s family last week and a late fee was waived. 

A spokesman for Essex Library Service said: “Staff at Manningtree Library were pleasantly surprised when this title was returned.

"Despite it being more than four decades overdue, the book was in surprisingly good condition and the customer was encouraged to rejoin and use the library again. 

East Anglian Daily Times:
“Our libraries have changed significantly since this item was first borrowed. We now offer everything from e-books and computer facilities to meeting rooms, events and activities for all ages. 
“We’re pleased to say libraries remain at the heart of their communities, as they were 44 years ago – and library staff are still very happy to give a warm welcome to all new and existing members.  

East Anglian Daily Times: Returned - A copy of "Great Prime Ministers" was returned 44 years overdue to Manningtree Library

“So, please visit your local library – the best thing is that it is still free to join.”