A volunteer police officer who risked his life to save a drowning woman from the sea in freezing conditions has been shortlisted for a national bravery award.

Special Constable Kyle Scott said “it was a natural reaction” to pull the woman to safety after spotting her face down in the water off Felixstowe.

He wadded into the water up to his waist wearing his full police kit to reach her then dragged her out of the sea.

Now he has been nominated for a Police Federation of England and Wales Bravery Award.

Special Constable Scott said: “It was just a natural reaction to go into the water to try to save her.

“In the role police are in, we’re there to protect others.

“You see someone in trouble, you don’t take into consideration your own safety you just go into autopilot.”

The incident happened at around 9.20pm on 7 March, 2023.

Mr Scott added: “It was very cold, and I didn’t know what the sea and the currents were doing.

“We carry a lot of kit, wear stab vests. In hindsight, you’d want to take some of that off, but you go into autopilot that you’ve got to help someone and it takes over.”

The woman was unresponsive and but once she was dragged to safety on the sand with help from the public, together they delivered first aid and kept her warm until paramedics arrived and her life was saved.

Mr Scott added: “I don’t think I’ll ever forget it. It gives you a big sense of pride.

“I think it’s the way the police work. We go in to work, put the uniform on and we get on with it.

“We’re there to serve and protect and that’s what we did. There’s never any hesitation.”