Residents in the Suffolk town of Framlingham are dismayed at plans to make it more difficult to park in five key roads.

Framlingham Town Council is seeking views on plans which would see drivers needing permits to park in Castle Street, Double Street, Church Street, Fore Street and Fairfield Road.

The consultation proposes that these roads would be for permit holders only from 8am-8pm, for a charge of £30 a year.

Framlingham resident Chris Hudson, who is also Ipswich county councillor for Belstead Brook, said: “It may turn the roads into a death trap. Traffic goes at 30mph down there, and parked cars slow them down.

“Parking is a nightmare. Residents are already paying high rates, and this should include a parking space to mitigate the problem.

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“The little town has really been pushed for tourism, which is good for the economy, but it feels like trying to get two pints into a one-pint jar.

“For residents, it has been becoming another highway to hell.”

East Anglian Daily Times: Christopher Hudson has expressed concerns over parking in the town.Christopher Hudson has expressed concerns over parking in the town. (Image: SUFFOLK COUNTY COUNCIL)

There are also plans to introduce new yellow lines, including double yellows on both sides of Mount Pleasant from the College Road end to the entrance with Windwhistle and number six.

Yellow lines at the north end of Fore Street will be extended on both sides of the road up to the entrance to the garages in front of number 75A.

There would also be new yellow lines on the north side of Fairfield Road from just past the electricity sub-station to opposite the entrance to The Fens, while yellow lines on the south side will be extended to the entrance to The Fens.

In College Road, there will be new yellow lines on the west side in front of the primary school, joining up the two sets already in place, while in Bridge Street new yellow lines will be created in front of the driveway to the left of Callendar's Florist.

The draft proposals are available to view in the town council offices, and residents can send comments on the plans to: until Wednesday (May 22).