A consultation into a new walking and cycling project in an east Suffolk town has received a "higher than expected" number of responses.

Suffolk County Council held a series of engagement events on the Active Travel Woodbridge scheme in February and March, while an online survey continued until April.

The project aims to make the town's streets safer and encourage more people to walk and cycle and could see the creation of a 20mph zone in the south of the town and town centre.

READ MORE: Woodbridge society's concerns about Active Travel scheme

As part of the proposals, Bilney Road and Bullard's Lane, California and an area near the railway bridge in Sandy Lane would be blocked off using bollards, while pedestrian crossings and safer pavements would be provided in Quay Street.

However, the plans have sparked criticism from residents and civic society, the Woodbridge and Melton Society.

In March, this newspaper reported how the society was concerned that the project's developers had not understood the "dynamics of an historic market town" and said the plans would increase pollution and cause "substantial inconvenience" for residents.

READ MORE: Public consultation launched into Active Travel Woodbridge

The society said the closure of roads to vehicles could force traffic to use longer routes to access the A12 and town centre.

Of the engagement events, a county council spokesperson said: "We’ve received a very high number of responses – more than expected.

READ MORE: Suffolk County Council Woodbridge consultation running out

"Analysis is underway and the total figure will be published in the full report which is expected in a couple of months’ time."

The scheme's proposals aim to create safer access for pedestrians, cyclists and mobility scooters between the town centre, the riverside, the rail station, the historic Tide Mill, as well as restaurants, the cinema, the leisure centre and car parks."