Suffolk Libraries is helping readers find their next page-turner this summer with the return of their DiscoveReads programme for the fifth year.

The libraries has chosen five books recommended by real readers, including Costa Book Awards shortlisted ‘The Stranding’ by Kate Sawyer, and Sunday Times bestseller ‘The Premonitions Bureau' by Sam Knight.

East Anglian Daily Times: Kate SawyerKate Sawyer (Image: Suffolk Libraries)

East Anglian Daily Times: Sam KnightSam Knight (Image: Suffolk Libraries)

Each of the five authors will also be taking part in special interviews in Suffolk.

Lisa Brennan, content and reader development librarian at Suffolk Libraries, said: “We are thrilled that DiscoveReads is back and we have five great new titles, from brilliant authors. We are so delighted that all our DiscoveReads authors are taking part in author events during June.”

The full list of books chosen for the programme and the author’s library talks are:

  • The Great Darkness by Jim Kelly (June 5 at Needham Market Library)
  • The Stranding by Kate Sawyer (June 7 at Thurston Library)
  • Death and the Conjuror by Tom Mead (June 12 at Bury St Edmunds Library)
  • The Librarian by Salley Vickers (June 18 at Ipswich County Library)
  • The Premonitions Bureau by Sam Knight (June 20 on Zoom)

The programme is encouraging readers to expand their horizons, discover new genres, and find their favourite authors.

Tickets are available to book online via Eventbrite at £5 each, except for Sam Knight's event which is free to attend and is held online via Zoom.