A despairing farmer fears further losses after the River Deben burst its banks again - flooding his fields.

Guy Hayward of Bridge Farm, Wickham Market, said meadows which were flooded during last October's Storm Babet are lying under water - as they have done frequently throughout the winter.

Recent rainstorms have brought yet more flooding to his farm.

"My concern now is, if they can do this still in May, what is going to happen next winter?" he said.

"My livery business is as good as finished."

East Anglian Daily Times:

Mr Hayward has reported the issue to the Environment Agency as he looks for ways to alleviate the problem.

Some of his rental homes and others in the village were also flooded during Storm Babet.

He has since sought advice from the Environment Agency on how best to clear up the mess - without fear of prosecution.

He has carried out works to clear debris - but the flooding problem has persisted.

He was visited recently by local MP Dan Poulter who met with landowners along the River Deben. The MP tabled questions in the House of Commons on the issue.

He fears for his livery business - which uses the fields for grazing and exercise.

"It means I can’t increase my current horse numbers here and also restricts the turnout the horses have. We just switched to 24/7 turnout and then it flooded, so we now can’t offer that," said Mr Hayward. 

"I will be surprised if I don’t lose more liveries."