A gas firm is set to rework pipe replacement plans that a Suffolk landlady warned could lead to the closure of her pub and cause chaos in her village.

Cadent Gas has pledged to "continue to plan these necessary works" in Ufford High Street following a packed public meeting - attended by 140 villagers - at which concerns were voiced that the closure of the High Street for 13 weeks could cause traffic chaos in neighbouring streets.

Judi Hallett, clerk of the village parish council, said she spoke to a Cadent representative following Thursday's meeting at Ufford Community Hall, who told her the firm would be liaising with Suffolk County Council's Highways department next work and would rework the plans.

READ MORE: The Crown in Ufford 'may not survive' Cadent gas works

Earlier this week, this newspaper reported concerns from Polly Durrant, who runs The Crown, that her pub, which has been operating since the mid-18th century, "may not survive" the impact of the closure on trade, especially when combined with the current challenging economic climate.

She said the pub relied on walk-ins and passers-by, but feared tourists and visitors would choose to visit a more easily accessible pub if they found the High Street had been blocked off.

Work to replace the ageing pipes was due to start in June, but Suffolk County Council's network assurance team has not yet given permission for Cadent to work on the highway amid concerns about a lack of public consultation over the plans.

READ MORE: High Street in Ufford to close until August for Cadent works

This poor communication has been another particular concern for villagers and was described as "risible" this week by their representative on the county council, councillor Alexander Nicoll.

Cadent held a meeting in nearby Melton about its plans, but failed to invite any Ufford residents or representatives of The Crown, while signs advertising the closure that appeared in the High Street in April were removed by the county council.

Thursday's meeting was arranged in response to these concerns about ineffective communication.

READ MORE: Woodbridge news

Eleanor Lewis, head of customer experience at Cadent, said: "I want to start by thanking the community of Ufford for joining us on Thursday, May 23 to ask questions and share their concerns about the planned scheme to replace ageing gas pipes in the village.

"The meeting was very well attended and I hope that everyone felt that they were listened to and had any fears allayed.

"The next step for us is to work closely with Suffolk County Council so that we can continue to plan these necessary works, but we will also continue to engage with the Ufford community and local businesses to ensure that they are kept up to date with what is happening and the timescales we will be working to.

"Finally, if anyone was unable to attend the meeting or has further questions, please do contact us by emailing customercareeastern@cadentgas.com or call 0800 389 8000 and we will be able to respond to you directly."