A Holstein dairy cow has swept the board at the Suffolk Show for the second year in a row.

Wigoboro Outlay Beechnut of Smith Farms Clacton was crowned supreme inter-breed dairy champion on the first day of the event today.

Farmer John Smith of St Osyth said he was delighted at the win - and pleased that all three animals in the dairy inter-breed finals were from his farm.

"This cow won last year so it's her second year - so she's improving with age. We are delighted and we are going to have lots of drinks tonight."

An Ayrshire cow - Wigboro Wick Hawaiian Helena - came a close second to the winning animal to take the reserve prize, while a Jersey - Kinder Rockwell Primrose - came third.

"All three were finalists which is a first for us," said John. "The farm owns the Holstein, I own the Ayrshire and mum (Christine) owns the Jersey.
East Anglian Daily Times: "I don't know who I was cheering on but I was pleased."

The family runs a 280-cow milking unit at St Osyth.

Judge Barry Daw praised all three cows in the ring and said it had been "a real pleasure" to judge them.

The Holstein was a "lovely clean dairy cow giving loads of milk", while the Ayrshire was "a credit to the breed". The Jersey, which had calved twice, was also a "lovely clean animal".

Although this year's dairy entry was small, those competing were "well turned out", he said. "There were three good representatives in the final. It was very close between the Ayrshire and the Holstein."