A special memorial service was held in Clacton to commemorate the end of the Falklands War.

The Act of Remembrance was hosted by Clacton Royal British Legion (RBL) and Tendring District Council (TDC) at Clacton War Memorial on June 14 at 11am.

Clacton RBL established this service 12 years ago, and it includes the Last Post, prayers, reading of the Falklands Epitaph and wreath-laying.

The service commemorated the 42nd anniversary of the 10-week conflict's end, marking the liberation of the Falkland Islands by British forces following an Argentinian invasion in 1982.

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The service was led by Rev Mark Mulryne and included a reading by TDC chairman Dan Casey.

Councillor Dan Casey said: “Residents joined veterans and standard bearers for the solemn service, which was held to pay tribute to those who fought in the Falklands.

“It is important that we commemorate those who heroically lost their lives fighting to protect the liberty of others - and it is particularly important in view of conflicts now taking place in Europe and around the world."

Colin Sission, Chairman of Clacton RBL, thanked all attendees for their participation.