A 23-year-old man who had 31 wraps of cocaine in an Armani man bag when he was stopped has been given a suspended prison sentence.

Kai Slymon was seen by police officers coming out of flats in Sudbury and getting into the back of a car with the bag across his chest in June 2022, Ipswich Crown Court heard.

Police officers boxed in the car and while searching the man bag, officers found 31 grip seal bags of cocaine weighing 6.45g of cocaine which had been split into £20 deals, said Richard Potts, prosecuting.

A knife, £60 cash and a mobile phone were also found in the bag and the phone was found to contain messages consistent with the supply of cocaine.

Slymon, of Manchester, admitted being concerned in the supply of cocaine, possession of cocaine with intent to supply and possession of a knife.

He was given a 22 month prison sentence suspended for two years, a 25 day rehabilitation activity requirement and 150 hours unpaid work.

Joanne Eley for Slymon, who has no previous convictions, said he had become involved in dealing cocaine to supplement his income to allow him to help his mother who had been contacted by bailiffs.

She said he had a knife in the manbag to loosen cannabis that had got stuck in a grinder and he no intention of using it to harm anyone.

Miss Eley said her client, who she described as naive and immature, had supplied a small circle of friends and associates.

She saidSlymon was a full time carer for his mother and had stopped using drugs.