Serious concerns have been raised in response to plans for more than 120 homes at a former RAF base. 

Persimmon Homes submitted a reserved matters application to Mid Suffolk District Council last year to construct 127 homes on its site in Castleton Way in Eye. 

The proposals for the former RAF base at Eye Airfield are part of phase two of the Castleton Grange development. 

Original outline plans included the development of up to 280 homes, 265 of which would be built by Persimmon, as well as a care home and other infrastructure.

The other 15 homes were for a separate parcel of land.

Phase one, which includes plans for 138 homes, was approved in March 2022. 

The current plan comprises a mix of two to five-bedroom houses.

Twenty-five of the 53 affordable homes planned for the site are included in the design.

Documents lodged with Mid Suffolk District Council show land, within the development area of phase two, earmarked for possible future redevelopment.

Persimmon stated the land is allocated in the masterplan for the area and would be subject to a full planning application should any development proceed.

Objecting to the proposals, Eye Town Council (ETC) said it could lead to overdevelopment of the site. 

"The balance of this application for 127 homes clearly seeks to leave a section of outline planning permission land for future development, which ETC and town residents strongly oppose, and continues the ambition to pack the site," a statement said.

"ETC’s view, reinforced by many representations, is that the inclusion of a parcel of land for future development is development by the back door and has had a serious impact on the design quality of the current application." 

Lucy Elkin, who represents the Eye ward at Mid Suffolk District Council, added: "I remain seriously concerned about a number of aspects of this phase 2 proposal, and continue to object to it in its current form."

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