A nearly 150-year-old Bible bought at a car boot sale in Ipswich for 50p has been returned to its former owner's family. 

The find was spotted at Trinity Park boot fair on May 19 by heirloom returner Adam Simpson-York, who said he was "chuffed" when he heard it would cost less than £1.

He spotted it amongst someone's collection and was expecting to have to pay a fair bit for it due to how old the Bible was. 

His interest was peaked when he realised there was a Suffolk connection. 

He said: "I couldn't believe it was only 50p.

Adam Simpson-York with the Bible he found at Trinity Boot FairAdam Simpson-York with the Bible he found at Trinity Boot Fair (Image: Submitted)

"When they said the price I just thought lovely, I was well chuffed."

The Bible has writing inside dating some 145 years, starting with the words Mary Ann Archer, a present from her aunt Sarah, dated October 5 1879. 

Mary Archer later married William Lay in April 1893 at Bramford Church.

The inside of the BibleThe inside of the Bible (Image: Submitted)

The Bible then goes on to list the names, Ellen, George, Ethel, Charles and Frederick, all of whom were baptised at St Matthews Church in Ipswich and are thought to be the couple's children.

Mr Simpson-York, who runs a site called Medals Going Home, where he reunites living people with their relatives antiques, set on a mission after buying the Bible to track down relatives and return it to them.

Roger Lay with the his great grandmothers BibleRoger Lay with the his great grandmothers Bible (Image: Submitted)

He said: "I managed to find some of them on Facebook, but then the toughest part is getting them to see it.

"I managed to get in touch and they were super happy."

The Bible has been returned to the grandson of Charles Lay, Roger, who is now in possession of his great-grandmother's 145-year-old bible.

Items were found inside the BibleItems were found inside the Bible (Image: Submitted)