There were more than 1,600 spoiled votes in the region during this year's election.

Suffolk saw historic results on Friday, as seats that have been Conservative since 1865 turned to the Labour Party for the first time.

However, 1,655 people across the county did not have their votes counted. 

This could be for reasons such as failing to mark any candidate, marking too many candidates, deforming the ballots or in the case of one count as noted by an officer there was drawing over the names. 

The drawing has been encouraged by nationwide campaigners, who are using the opportunity to "send a message" to all politicians.

Within the county, Waveney Valley saw the highest number of discarded votes - at 395. 

Lowestoft, saw the lowest number with 103. 

Some people on social media had advocated for taking their own pens to the polling booths, questioning the stationary available there.