New Ipswich MP Jack Abbott is heading to London tomorrow in preparation for taking the oath in the House of Commons later this week.

Mr Abbott won the seat from Conservative Tom Hunt with a majority of 7,313 - and the House of Commons starts the process of electing a new speaker and swearing in MPs on Tuesday morning.

As his result was announced, he said: "Thank you to all the people who have placed their trust in me.

"I feel so humbled to be stood where I am now, and I won’t let you down. I won’t. And to all those that didn’t vote for me, I will serve you diligently and tirelessly too. No more politics of division. We are going to bring Ipswich together. 

"I stood at this general election because I am proud of Ipswich, because I know we have such potential, and because I want to deliver the change we all so desperately need. Now, it is up to me to make those promises a reality. 

"Ipswich voted for change, now we will get to work to deliver a new future for our town."

On Friday night he joined Labour members in Ipswich for a victory party - before they all went away to draw breath and recover after months of campaigning!

Mr Hunt told the audience that whatever he does in the future, Ipswich would retain a place in his heart.

Speaking later he said: "This is not just a loss, it is a real disaster for my party and we now have to look to the future and find a way forward."

He felt Rishi Sunak made a mistake in calling the election now: "Immigration is a major issue and he should have waited to put his plans into action so we could have something to campaign on."

Turnout in Ipswich was 58% - slightly down on recent elections when it averaged about 63%.

Result in full

Jack Abbott (L) 19,009

Tom Hunt (C)*  11,696

Tony Love (RUK) 7,027

Adria Pittock (G) 3,656

James Sandbach (LD) 2,241

Freddie Sofar (Com) 205

Terry Charles (Heritage) 151

Turnout 58% - majority 7,313