Honington village unveiled its new sign on Monday with pupils from Honington CEVC Primary School playing a crucial role.

The youngsters, who form part of the school council, said it was "exciting and important" to be a part of the ceremony.

The new sign, intended to give special recognition to key landmarks in the area, was revealed to villagers, school personnel and parish members.

The new sign has replaced the old metal one The new sign has replaced the old metal one (Image: Submitted)

Reverend Sally Fodgen marked the event with a special talk about the sign, followed by a prayer to bless the village.

The sign, a rainbow of colour representing all the important places and main features of their community, includes the school, church, wild swans in the river by the bridge, a farmer driving a tractor. a buccaneer airplane and a reference to the RAF station.

The robust metal replacement is a timely upgrade from the original wooden sign, created by Mervyn Thurlow in 1993, and provides a warm welcome to all visiting Honington, showing everyone what there is to see.