Warnings have been issued after an increase in fake celebrity profile scams across the country.

Suffolk Trading Standards were made aware of two incidents this week.

In one incident a person living in Felixstowe lost £200 to a scammer impersonating Kevin Costner. 

Another resident came close to losing thousands after following a Tom Jones profile on Facebook.

In both incidents the scammers used AI technology to mimic the celebrities' voices and create videos of the celebrity to obtain money.

READ MORE: Scammers pretend to be health workers in phone call fraud

The Tom Jones scammer asked for money to buy a VIP experience.

A spokesman for Suffolk Trading Standards said: “When interacting on social media, don’t just look at the competition post. Look at the page history and other posts on the page. Does it look genuine?

“When interacting with public figures and brands you should look for a verified badge on their page or profile such as a blue tick. This verified badge means Facebook has confirmed that the page or profile is the authentic presence of the public figure or brand it represents."