A prisoner serving time for the manslaughter of a homeless man has been arrested after absconding from a Suffolk prison.

Sean Doherty was arrested on Wednesday, July 10, in Corby in north Northamptonshire after he did not return to Hollesley Bay near Woodbridge earlier this week.

Doherty is currently serving an eight years and five month sentence for manslaughter, burglary, theft and driving offences.

The 30-year-old, from Corby, admitted the manslaughter of Matthew Gravestock, in Nottinghamshire in 2018.

Mr Gravestock suffered 35 blunt force injuries after an argument about a £20 debt.

Doherty was reported missing at around  7.40pm on Tuesday after he failed to return from temporary release.

Police previously said Doherty had links to Corby and he was eventually found and arrested by Northamptonshire police in the town.

A police spokesman said they would like to thank the public for their help and assistance with this matter.