A used car dealership could open in a mid Suffolk town under new plans. 

Ipswich-based Carzet has submitted proposals to open a dealership on land in Williamsport Way in Needham Market. 

Plans for the site include a removable modular office and a toilet for customers and staff. 

Up to 80 cars would be stored and sold on the premises at a time, according to documents lodged with Mid Suffolk District Council. 

The application form adds "light preparation of vehicles" would take place on site. 

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Provisions have also been made for cycle and disability spaces. 

It follows a retrospective application made by the company to open near Ipswich Waterfront last year.

Ipswich Borough Council refused the proposals for 47 Key Street, on an area of land close to Fore Street, Star Lane, Slade Street and Key Street, due to the failure to consider the impact on historic buildings. 

The Jewish cemetery was highlighted among the cause of concerns.

Following consultation, Mid Suffolk District Council is set to determine the application by September 9.