A new car park could be created on a key route in Sudbury if plans before a council are given the go ahead. 

Proposals by applicants Andrew Roy Smith Ltd & Bird and Sons Ltd for the construction of a car park on land off Ballingdon Street have been received by Babergh District Council. 

The car park would be built between two homes, number 25 and 29 on land described as 'overgrown and unkept'. 

Permission is sought for a car park including areas of soft landscaping with a total area of 195sqm.

A statement on behalf of Andrew Roy Smith Ltd & Bird and Sons Ltd said: "The car park would be managed by the applicant and is intended to be made available for local residents in order to relieve existing pressures on the local highway network where on-street parking is a known problem."

It continued to say access would be from the existing route onto Ballingdon Street but "improved and formalised" with a new vehicular crossing between the homes.

"The new vehicular access will be constructed in accordance with Suffolk County Council requirements," the statement read. 

The application would provide off-street parking for the applicant landlord who, according to the statement, owns property on Ballingdon Street.

It continued: "There is additional scope to provide spaces to other local residents. Even limited in number to six spaces, this offers a substantial benefit to the local highway network in reducing on-street parking pressures and risk of collisions." 

In conclusion, the statement read: "The scheme makes good use of land in a small, undeveloped infill plot, and would offer substantial benefit to the local highway network in alleviating on-street parking." 

The plans are with Babergh District Council for consideration.

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