A 32-year-old woman has admitted to a racially aggravated assault after pushing a teenager over a noise complaint.

Sky Smith, 32, of Inkerman Close, Hadleigh pleaded guilty to assaulting an 18-year-old at Suffolk Magistrates’ Court on Thursday.

The victim, who is originally from Latvia, was at home while his mother was out and allegedly heard consistent banging sounds and children crying through the walls of Smith’s neighbouring house.

On Thursday the court heard he knocked on the wall and an hour later knocked again, asking for the noise to stop.

Smith then came out and confronted the victim.

She is said to have pushed him in the chest and insulted him in racist terms, so in response he slapped her.  

In mitigation the defence solicitor said the mother-of-two apologised for the way she had behaved.

A pre-sentence report has been requested and Smith was released on unconditional bail to attend sentencing on September 5.