Football goal posts have been removed from a Suffolk playing field for safety reasons because of vandalism, a town council has revealed.

Posters on social media site Facebook had complained about the loss of the equipment on Kemps Field in Aldeburgh, which is a popular area for children to play football.

However, a spokesperson for the town council said a monthly health and safety inspection had revealed there was a danger to the public from vandalism.

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She said: "The monthly health and safety equipment inspection had identified there was a risk of members of the public injuring themselves due to sharp edges as a result of vandalism and as a result, the goal posts were removed.

"The much used five-a-side goal posts will be moved to another location in the field as there are deep holes in both goal mouths which are a trip hazard and need to be infilled.  

"We are arranging for one of the large goal posts to be put back as soon as possible.  The council would like to thank everyone for their input and feedback."

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The spokesperson added that new seating and raised beds were going to be installed as part of ongoing improvements to the facility.

She said: “On Friday July 26 at 5pm, Aldeburgh Town Council will be hosting a barbecue to celebrate the latest additions to the field and would like to encourage residents to come along and see what we’ve done.  

"We would also like to hear from residents of any other improvements that they would like to see so that we can factor these in when looking at what funding is available to us from the Sizewell C Community Fund”.