Plans for an office in Bury St Edmunds to be converted into a bedsit flat have been given the go ahead. 

An application by YMCA Trinity Group for the change of use of the first floor office at Batt House in Westgate Street was submitted to West Suffolk Council in April. 

The application would see a self-contained bedsit flat created at the site, which is owned by YMCA Trinity Group, a provider of social housing, and already runs the site as a social housing complex. 

A planning statement submitted to the council read: "The alterations proposed for this space will provide additional and necessary accommodation within the existing complex." 

Alterations would include the removal of a storage cupboard in the room. 

A delegated officer report said the site is in a "sustainable location with easy access to services and facilities and public open space."

"The proposal will preserve the character and appearance of the conservation area and there will be no harm to the curtilage listed building," it added.

The plans were approved on July 16. 

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