A caravan owners representative has described a consultation over the future of their harbour site as "unfair and not transparent".

Diane Perry-Yates, chair of Southwold Caravan Owners Association (SCOA), slammed the East Suffolk Council exercise to gather the views of stakeholders and the wider community about the future of the Southwold Harbour camping and caravan site.

The consultation sought opinions on potential future operating models for the site as part of the council's Southwold Harbour Vision 2035 and Static Caravan Revitalisation Project, which aims to invest in the harbour and caravan site and bring in more revenue from caravan plots.

READ MORE: Caravan owners at Southwold unhappy with East Suffolk plans

The four options in the consultation included continuing with the current licence model for caravans, changing to a 20-year lease, adopting a mixed leasing and renting model, or opting for "dynamic renting" focused on short term lets.

However, Ms Perry-Yates said 164 respondents did not choose any of the four options because of a lack of information, but their responses were not taken into account.

She added the third option was chosen by the majority, a mixed leasing and renting model, whereby the council would own 30 caravans, which would be rented out, but this did not reflect the views of everyone who took part.

READ MORE: Southwold caravan owners concerned over sale of harbour site

"It was not as fair, as open or transparent as we had hoped, 164 survey results were dismissed as not to be taken into consideration because they did not choose one of the four options available," she added.

The caravan owners, some of whom have been at the site for 50 years, are concerned they will be "displaced" by the council's plans and fear a 20-year lease would be too long for them.

However, an East Suffolk Council spokesperson said: “The recent consultation was a non-statutory exercise aimed at gathering views from stakeholders and the wider community about the future of Southwold Harbour, camping and caravan site.

READ MORE: Southwold news

“East Suffolk Council sought a strategic steer by presenting broad options to generate discussion on potential future operating models.

"This approach was intended to include as many perspectives as possible.

"Participation was voluntary and those who chose not to comment exercised their choice during the consultation period.

“We value all input received and continue to consider these views in our strategic planning.

"No final decisions have been made and future decisions will be taken through cabinet on the basis of recommendations from the Harbour Management Committee.”