Easton and Playford have adopted Neighbourhood Plans, offering residents more say over developments in the area.

A Neighbourhood Plan provides communities the chance to influence key aspects of development within their area.

These plans were formalised after diligent work by parish councils and extensive public participation, ensuring community views shape how development unfolds.

As part of the process, each plan underwent a public referendum for support before being adopted by East Suffolk Council.

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The adoption happened at a full council assembly last Wednesday.

The two plans now form part of East Suffolk’s development blueprint and will aid future planning within each locality.

Kay Yule, East Suffolk's cabinet member for planning and coastal management, said: “The Neighbourhood Plans have been built around wide engagement with the community and have undergone several rounds of consultation.

“They each contain a distinctive vision, with policies and actions that respond to important matters, including the location of development in the countryside, protection of landscape, important views, natural features and locally important historic buildings, encouraging good design, and public rights of way.”