A gripping true crime talk packed with forensic details and a live psychopath test is hitting Colchester.

Psychopathy specialist Cheish Merryweather explains how the 'CSI effect' is changing today's offenders.

"'Murder: Staged' will explore the lies embedded in crime scenes and share the expertise from those who dig deep for the truth," she said.

The show, 'Murder: Staged', will be covering the topic of staged murders, a growing criminal trend according to some.

Psychopathy specialist Cheish Merryweather Psychopathy specialist Cheish Merryweather (Image: Submitted)

Taking the stage at Charter Hall on Thursday, September 26, the two-hour long discussion spotlights the ins and outs of forensic science, featuring real-life reconstructed crime scenes.

It will delve into unexplored case investigations that have never been performed live before, marking it as a must-see event for crime genre enthusiasts.

Commenting on the unique event element, Cheish added: "“There will also be a live psychopath test which will be a good indication of who we really should be keeping a close eye on."

The tickets for the event are rapidly being snapped up, so crime buffs are urged to act swiftly.