A Suffolk MP is welcoming the chance to vote on the new government's controversial plans to cut winter fuel payments for some pensioners.

At the end of July, new chancellor Rachel Reeves revealed a government plan to restrict winter fuel payments to those only on pension credits or other means-tested benefits. 

Nationally, this policy is expected to reduce the number of pensioners in receipt of the payment by about 10million - from 11.4million to 1.5million - saving some £1.4billion this financial year.

In Suffolk alone this means some 155,366 Suffolk residents are set to stop receiving the payment as they will no longer be classed as eligible.

Central Suffolk and North Ipswich MP, Patrick Spencer, who has been vocal against the plan which would see 19,998 pensioners in his constituency alone lose out, has welcomed the chance to vote on the matter. 

Mr Spencer said: "The Labour government is fundamentally wrong to scrap the winter fuel payment for pensioners.

"I am pleased to have played my part in forcing Labour into a vote and I will continue to fight hard and stand up for pensioners here in Central Suffolk and North Ipswich by supporting the Conservative motion against these cruel cuts.

"The Chancellor, Rachel Reeves, must reverse this cruel and unfair decision so that pensioners here in Central Suffolk and North Ipswich who have worked hard and saved all of their lives can live with the dignity and security they deserve in their retirement." 

Under original plans the payments would be axed for more than 10million people across the country and MPs would not have been able to debate the proposal. 

The decision to go to a vote follows pressure from Conservative MPs, including Mr Spencer and West Suffolk MP Nick Timothy. 

When the plan was revealed, Rachel Reeves said: "This is not a decision I wanted to make nor is it the one that I expected to make, but these are the necessary and urgent decisions that I must make."

She said the government has inherited a projected overspend of £22billion from the previous Conservative administration.

A vote on the winter fuel payment plan will now take place on Tuesday, September 10.