Stephen Britt is the owner of Anchor Storage, a leading business campaigner and chair of Suffolk Chamber of Commerce’s influential transport and infrastructure group. He has lived in Suffolk since 1987 when he started in business on a site his father purchased in 1975, and where his warehousing and fulfilment business continues to trade  


Too many to pick with ease, but a standout from recent times would be riding on a coach and four from Windsor Barracks to Ascott and back again. 


Southwold north beach, beyond the defences – THE classic Suffolk coast. Wide sandy beach, eroding cliffs, views to Covehithe in the north and Sizewell in the south. 


Apart from the above, the views on my early-morning walk in Stonham Aspal at dawn or from my lounge at dusk.


I do like Framlingham, although I don’t go there often enough. I went through a spell of doing a Saturday morning visit to the market and having a coffee and cake. Must start doing that again. 


Must be the Earl Soham Victoria - my regular haunt in my first years in Suffolk. Again, I don’t go there nearly enough. My drinking advice to others would be start on the Gannet Mild and move gently up to Sir Roger’s Porter, via the classic Victoria Bitter. 

Place to Eat 

Gosh, this is getting harder. The Auberge in the Big John era was hard to beat but I had a super visit to The Chef’s Table at The Northgate where Greig Young did us proud. 

Day out/Attraction 

Anywhere where I can walk and/or see the sea. These days it's normally with the grandchildren. Perhaps Dunwich Heath followed by fish and chips, either in the restaurant or on the beach.   


Trotter & Deane – I love my clothes. Yet again, not been there for a few years, using Covid/pandemic/lockdown as an excuse – John, I will be back!


Aspal Cyder – I always feel proud when I see it all over the county. That said, my wife Linda and I were in a restaurant in Oia, Santorini a few years back and our wine was served in a Henry Watson’s wine cooler. Suffolk goes global.