A group of locals from the Southwold and Walberswick area are pulling together to create a local rowing group with lofty ambitions.

So far 20 people have signed up for the rowing group, based at Southwold Harbour, together with two experienced rowing instructors.

The group was founded by Dani Church whose family have been rowing the Walberswick ferry since 1881.

When Dani suggested the idea of starting a rowing club to a few friends and neighbours, word soon spread.

“It all started as a fun way for friends to meet up, keep fit and enjoy our beautiful surroundings,” said Dani. “Everyone’s enthusiasm has been so infectious.”

In November, the group self-funded two coastal coxed-4 rowing boats, named Lancelot and Genevieve, as well as a rare Suffolk-made Claydon Skiff, which is one of only a few in the country.

The project began with hard work by the group to restore the boats during the Winter months.

Dani said: “We had such a great time working together to get the boats ready on those cold Sunday mornings. We are now enjoying learning to row together with our coaches.”

The women in the group are now planning to take part in the Great River Race, rowing 21.6 miles from Millwall to Richmond on the River Thames on Saturday, 21 September.

Dani added: “New friendships have been formed and we are all very excited to see how it goes forward from here.”