Hundreds of churchwardens, along with their supporters, gathered at St Edmundsbury Cathedral in Bury St Edmunds in a move to celebrate their crucial role on the religious scene.

The attendees, primarily from Suffolk's churches and parishes, included representatives from Halesworth, Ipswich, Culford, Stowupland, Bury St Edmunds, Woodbridge, Beccles, Newmarket, Lakenheath and Felixstowe.

They assembled for Choral Evensong, attracting around 500 attendees, including about 150 churchwardens.

East Anglian Daily Times: Suffolk celebrated at the grand churchwardens event in St Edmundsbury Cathedral Suffolk celebrated at the grand churchwardens event in St Edmundsbury Cathedral (Image: Owen Chad Cox)

Their glut of responsibilities includes varied aspects of administrative and maintenance duties.

This is in addition to their Sunday service obligations and ensuring that order is maintained in the church.

Bishop Martin Seeley said: ‘‘So much of the work undertaken by churchwardens to support the life and witness of our churches and benefices is often hidden and goes on behind the scenes.

East Anglian Daily Times: Celebratory Choral Evensong for Suffolk's dedicated churchwardens at St Edmundsbury Cathedral Celebratory Choral Evensong for Suffolk's dedicated churchwardens at St Edmundsbury Cathedral (Image: Owen Chad Cox)

‘‘The service was a wonderful opportunity to express our gratitude on behalf of the people, clergy, lay ministers and parishes of Suffolk.

"It was uplifting and encouraging for all of us."

Churchwardens, along with the parish priest, are generally responsible for the daily functioning of the parish.