A newly-installed play area in an east Suffolk village was officially opened by the chair of the parish council.

Carol Gradwell, chair of Melton Parish Council, cut the ribbon to launch the new Beresford Drive play area, which features inclusive elements, including a wheelchair accessible roundabout, multi-user swings and communication boards.

Responsibility for the play park and some grassed areas in Beresford Drive passed from East Suffolk Council to the parish council in 2021 and since then, the latter authority has carried out grass cutting and planted numerous trees.

READ MORE: Suffolk: Melton council chair's 'pride' at new pavilion

A consultation was held in June to ask residents what improvements they would like to see at the play area and in February and March, works to install new equipment and surfacing took place to prepare the play park for a 'soft launch' for the Easter holidays.

The play area was funded through grants from charity The Melton Trust, the Melton, Woodbridge and Deben Peninsula Community Partnership, county councillors and Community Infrastructure Levy money, a charge levied by local authorities on new developments.