A Suffolk parkrun is having to make "alternative arrangements" to continue operating as part of its course is set to be diverted to accommodate the new Sizewell C nuclear power station.

An 800m section of the coastal pathway, which runs along Sizewell beach, is set to be diverted to enable the delivery of building materials for the new power station by sea.

However, the Sizewell parkrun, which takes place every Saturday at 9am, uses this section of path as part of its 5km course, which begins at Beach car park and follows a route going north past the current Sizewell A and B power stations up to RSPB Minsmere before returning.

READ MORE: Construction of Sizewell C gets the final go-ahead

Last Saturday, 78 people participated in the Sizewell parkrun.

The diversion is set to be in place for the duration of the building works and will enable temporary sea defences and cross-shore infrastructure to be built.

The path diversion was included as part of the Development Consent Order (DCO) for the nuclear power station, which was triggered in January.

East Anglian Daily Times: Runners do 5km along the coastal pathwayRunners do 5km along the coastal pathway (Image: Archant)Planning permission was granted in July 2022 for the dual reactor, which is expected to cost at least £20billion and provide power for six million homes.

READ MORE: Sizewell C era begins as construction work gets green light

A Sizewell C spokesperson said: “As we look to construct our temporary sea defences and cross-shore infrastructure so we can maximise delivery of construction materials by sea, we will be creating a temporary diversion around an 800m portion of a pathway along Sizewell beach from September 2024.

"There will still be normal access to Sizewell beach and the sand dunes during this period, so people can continue to enjoy the beach as normal.

“The alternative path will be in place for the duration of the Sizewell C construction period.

"It will be laid with geogrid mesh, similar to parts of the current path in front of Sizewell A and Sizewell B, ramps will be installed to ensure ease of use over the dunes and it will be maintained and inspected on a regular basis by the Sizewell C team.

READ MORE: Suffolk parish councils' 'substantial Sizewell C concerns'

“For safety and security, we’ll also be installing some temporary fencing along just the western side of the path, beside Sizewell C, which will be in place during the construction of the temporary sea defence and removed afterwards, in roughly two years.  

“The proposals for the diversion of the coastal path formed part of our DCO consultations and is approved as part of the DCO.

"We remain in contact with the Suffolk County Council Planning and Public Rights of Way officers, so that it meets all the access requirements of a public rights of way diversion.

“We’re in contact with the Parkrun team in order to help make alternate arrangements to ensure that their run continues."

Chris Lucas, event director for the parkrun, said: "We are aware of the proposed temporary footpath and we‘re working together with Sizewell C representatives to consider the options.