Works to repair a road which collapsed more than six months ago have been pushed back again. 

The Street in Aldham, near Hadleigh, has been shut since November last year after it collapsed and gave way. 

Investigations into how to repair the road have been ongoing, with Suffolk Highways revealing it was due to start the works in June. 

East Anglian Daily Times: The road first collapsed in NovemberThe road first collapsed in November (Image: Jenni Green)

However, the authority has announced it is now due to start on-site in July. 

A statement said: "Whilst a specific start date for the work cannot yet be confirmed, we are working towards commencing repairs on-site in July, with an anticipated completion date of August 2024 to allow for construction works and contingency for these. 

READ MORE: Elmsett store owner on The Street Aldham roadworks nightmare

"Every effort will be made to open the road prior to this target completion date; however, this is dependent upon operational progress and weather conditions."

Repair work will see a retaining structure installed to support the adjacent brook and embankment. 

"Suffolk Highways is now concluding the process of obtaining the necessary approvals and creating a work programme with the agreed solution that provides the best value for money for Suffolk taxpayers and ensures the road can be reopened as soon as it is safe to do so," a spokesman said.