A stunning photo of the Milky Way has been captured above a popular tourist destination. 

Christopher Dean, a keen photographer, took the photo above the colourful beach huts in Southwold on Tuesday night. 

Mr Dean is not the only person to take photos of the galaxy in the sky over Suffolk this year. 

In April, John Allard captured a photo of the Milky Way over the Shell sculpture in Aldeburgh beach.

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The best time to see the Milky Way is when the Galactic Centre, where most of the stars are found, is highest in the sky which happens around late spring to early autumn in the UK. 

There are many places to stargaze in Suffolk with the coast recently named one of the best

To see more stars it is recommended to stargaze in areas of low light pollution in darker areas away from the bright lights of towns and cities.

Other popular locations to see the stars in Suffolk include Covehithe and Dunwich.