A famed Suffolk artist - whose 'Scallop' sculpture is known around the world - has provided a painting for a raffle to raise money for a branch of charity Samaritans.

Maggi Hambling has donated the painting, entitled 'Storm approaching', to be raffled to raise funds for the Ipswich and East Suffolk Samaritans at a draw to be held at Christchurch Mansion in Ipswich in September.

The artist, who was born in Sudbury, has created a series of well-known public works, including the four metre high Scallop on Aldeburgh beach and the sculptures 'A Conversation with Oscar Wilde' and 'A Sculpture for Mary Wollstonecroft' in London.

READ MORE: Artist Maggi Hambling to stage exhibition in Sudbury

The artwork being raffled is one of a series of North Sea paintings by Hambling, who became involved with the raffle through Colin Stuart, who owns Titlows Newsagents in Leiston High Street.

She used to be a regular customer at the newsagents and Mr Stuart asked her if she would be willing to donate a painting to the raffle.

East Anglian Daily Times: The painting Storm approaching which Maggi Hambling has donated to a raffle in aid of SamaritansThe painting Storm approaching which Maggi Hambling has donated to a raffle in aid of Samaritans (Image: Maggi Hambling)He is a volunteer with Ipswich and East Suffolk Samaritans, having been a trustee with the charity for nine years.

READ MORE: Aldeburgh Scallop artist Maggi Hambling among Suffolk Day medal recipients

The painting is believed to be valued at around £12,000 and there will be 2,000 raffle tickets for sale with the draw, costing £10 each.

Mr Stuart said: "I think it is fantastic. Like all charities, we have found the last couple of years pretty tough with costs going up and everything.

"I have recently been appointed the head of fundraising so I was thinking about what I could do to raise funds and came up with a few ideas and Maggi used to come into my shop in Leiston and she used to donate to a raffle and she invited me to her studio and came up with the original seascape, which was fantastic."

The charity provides emotional support to those most in need, but relies on fundraising to survive.