Former Liberal Democrat MP Sir Norman Lamb has endorsed the Green Party’s Adrian Ramsay in the Waveney Valley seat that straddles the Suffolk/Norfolk border.

Sir Norman was MP for North Norfolk for 18 years until 2019 and is backing Adrian Ramsay, the Green Party’s co-leader who is standing in the seat.

He said: “I've known Adrian for many years and hold him in high regard. He would make an outstanding Member of Parliament for Waveney Valley.

"It's clear that the election in this new constituency will be a two-way fight between Adrian Ramsay and the Conservatives.”

Mr Ramsay said: “People in East Anglia want change and our doorstep data in the Waveney Valley constituency very much shows that we are running pretty well neck and neck with the Conservatives, with Labour and the Lib Dems coming a distant third and fourth.

“So I’m naturally pleased that such a well-respected former Liberal Democrat MP is backing me.”