A community leader has hit out at 'shoddy' pothole filling in a west Suffolk town. 

Road repairs were recently undertaken in Clarendon Road, Haverhill, to fill large potholes that had appeared in the road surface.

However, David Smith, who represents Haverhill South on West Suffolk Council, said the work is not of the quality he had hoped.

"It does look really shoddy," he said.

"I am very disappointed with the quality of the work. It is not what we were hoping for or promised really. It is not good enough. It needs to be remedied.

He continued: "The general problems are when the estates were first developed they were laid with concrete. Tarmacking over the top of concrete is not sticking, it is just breaking up more."

Cllr Smith called for the complete resurfacing of the road, as he said fixing each individual hole does not appear to be working. 

He also said there are problems with potholes on the Clements and Chalkstone estates too. 

A Suffolk County Council spokesperson said: "In October 2023, the government announced over £107m of additional highways maintenance funding to be spent over the next ten years on Suffolk's local highway infrastructure.

"By April 2025, Suffolk Highways will deliver a £10m road resurfacing project that will see 249 local residential roads resurfaced, including Clarendon Road, Haverhill.

"We will continue to inspect and repair defects that meet with our criteria, as seen recently."