An artist who is inspired by the Suffolk countryside, as well as her stint as an art teacher in The Bahamas, will have one of her paintings showcased at a prestigious exhibition this summer. 

Breaking The Ice by Elizabeth De Alwis, who spent most of her life living in Sudbury and now lives in nearby Boxford, has been accepted into the Royal Academy Summer Exhibition which will run from June 18 to August 18 in London.

This is Ms De Alwis' third time applying for the showcase and she said it will be a 'momentous' occasion. 

Elizabeth De Alwis with her painting, Breaking The IceElizabeth De Alwis with her painting, Breaking The Ice (Image: Elizabeth De Alwis)

She said: "It is incredible. It feels like this is what I have been working towards all my life.

"At last I have get the validation from such an incredible institution. Especially because I live in Boxford and I am quite isolated, I am not part of a group of artists that meet regularly. I have been forging my own path most of my life with my art.

"People just keep saying to me 'you've worked so hard' and 'you totally deserve it.'"

Breaking The Ice painting by Elizabeth De AlwisBreaking The Ice painting by Elizabeth De Alwis (Image: Elizabeth De Alwis)

Breaking The Ice is inspired by a walk Ms De Alwis took with her dogs in freezing temperatures when she heard a clanging sound which she followed until she saw a tractor breaking ice in a field.

The moment stood out for her, particularly as she noticed a group of trees that had been a favourite of hers to paint for many years on the horizon, which she said was "like seeing old friends". 

Another of Elizabeth De Alwis' paintingsAnother of Elizabeth De Alwis' paintings (Image: Elizabeth De Alwis)

"It was just a very unusual image for me. I've got such a vivid memory of it," she said.

"The painting has been in my studio for a few years now, I didn't think it would ever end up in the Royal Academy." 

Ms De Alwis previously spent 10 years in the Caribbean nation of The Bahamas working as an art teacher, which she said inspires her typically colourful palette.

Her work has been exhibited in various countries, including France and Greece.