A judge has issued a warrant for the arrest of a 40-year-old Suffolk woman who locked a teenager in a flat in Leiston.

Karen Parker failed to attend her trial at Ipswich Crown Court this week and was found guilty by a jury on Thursday (June 6) of falsely imprisoning the victim and assaulting her causing her actual bodily harm after a trial in her absence.

Judge Emma Peters issued a warrant for Parker's arrest and adjourned sentence until she is arrested or hands herself into police.

The court heard that during the victim's ordeal she was dragged round the flat by her hair by Parker and punched in the face, causing injuries to her mouth and eye.

At one stage Parker, who was drinking alcohol, offered the girl a drink but she had turned her down and told Parker she was only 15.

Parker, who has more than 50 previous convictions, had become aggressive and told the girl: “It’s all your fault” before allegedly assaulting her.

When the girl screamed for help through an open window Parker had put her hand over her mouth and grabbed her round the throat and told her she would throw her out of the window if she wanted to leave.

Following her arrest Parker denied being violent towards the girl and claimed she had tried to restrain her after she drank gin and had become aggressive when she was challenged about it.

Parker of Witnesham had denied assaulting the alleged victim causing her actual bodily harm and falsely imprisoning her.