A 22-year-old Sudbury man who was seen holding a hunting knife during a late-night argument in the town centre has been given a community order.

James Joes-Adom was seen outside the Infinity nightclub in Sudbury in the early hours of the morning having a “heated scuffle” in the street with a regular customer at the nightclub, Ipswich Crown Court heard on Friday.

The men were separated by door staff but shortly afterwards they were seen facing up to each other again nearby and this time Joes-Adam was holding a hunting knife with a 10-inch blade which he’d just taken out of a sheath.

Joes-Adom had run off down an alley and police found the knife behind a metal bin.

The defendant, of Jubilee Road, Sudbury, admitted having a knife in East Street in the town on January 29 last year.

He was given an 18-month community order, a 25-day rehabilitation activity requirement, 20 hours of unpaid work and an alcohol abstinence monitoring programme.

The court heard that he had no previous convictions.