Tributes have been paid to a Bury St Edmunds teenager who defied all expectations and kept fighting until the very end.

Liam Neathey was, said his mum, Diane McEwan, “the most loveable little rogue you will ever meet”.

The teenager was known by everyone on the Mildenhall Estate where his family live, and made friends wherever he went.

“Anyone who ever met Liam, I can guarantee that he made them smile,” said Diane. “He was the kindest boy. He had the best sense of humour, he was so quick-witted.”

Liam had a cheeky spirit, and his mother said she will always remember taking him to buy a PlayStation 5.

Whilst they were in Currys, Liam wandered around taking selfies on every single iPad in the shop, leaving them there for unexpecting shoppers to find, hoping it would make them smile.

On Sunday evening, Liam passed away, aged 16, having fought cancer on and off for the past five years.

A young Liam pictured with his mum, Diane. Image: Diane McEwanA young Liam pictured with his mum, Diane. Image: Diane McEwan (Image: Diane McEwan) Liam Neathey with his siblings, older brother, Rhys, younger brother, Joshua, and little sister, Ella. Image: Diane McEwanLiam Neathey with his siblings, older brother, Rhys, younger brother, Joshua, and little sister, Ella. Image: Diane McEwan (Image: Diane McEwan) Liam on the left, with his brothers Rhys, behind, and Joshua, front right. Image: Diane McEwanA young Liam on the left, with his brothers Rhys, behind, and Joshua, front right. Image: Diane McEwan (Image: Diane McEwan) Liam surrounded by his family. Image: Diane McEwanLiam surrounded by his family. Image: Diane McEwan (Image: Diane McEwan) A young Liam smiles for the camera. Image: Diane McEwanA young Liam smiles for the camera. Image: Diane McEwan (Image: Diane McEwan)

Liam was born on May 20, 2008. He was a younger brother to Rhys, and an older brother to Joshua and Ella.

Liam attended Tollgate Primary School, where he was popular and outgoing.

In Year Six, Liam was diagnosed with Hodgkin lymphoma. He spent the next six to nine months undergoing chemotherapy and radiotherapy, before being given the all clear.

Liam was well for the next 18 months. However, in 2022 he was diagnosed with Ewing sarcoma, a type of cancer which begins as a growth in the bones and the soft tissue around the bones.

Liam spent the next 12 months having more chemotherapy, spending every two weeks at Addenbrookes Hospital.

He then spent a further four months in London undergoing proton beam therapy and radiotherapy.

By December 2022, Liam had finished treatment.  A scan in February showed that he was in remission.

Liam during his cancer treatment. Image: Diane McEwanLiam during his cancer treatment. Image: Diane McEwan (Image: Diane McEwan) Liam was an ardent Manchester United fan. Image: Diane McEwanLiam was an ardent Manchester United fan. Image: Diane McEwan (Image: Diane McEwan)

However, a further scan in September showed that he had relapsed. This time, the family were told, the cancer was no longer treatable.

After having been given this devastating news, Liam and his family set about making the most of the time Liam had left.

“And that’s what we did,” said Diane. “Liam did everything that he wanted to do.”

A GoFundMe was created to help Liam make memories. The Mildenhall Estate in particular rallied around Liam, and soon, the fundraiser had amassed over £9,000.

A businessman who heard Liam’s story arranged for him to journey to Old Trafford to see his beloved Manchester United play.

The family were treated to the Alex Ferguson package, enjoying a three-course meal at the club diner before being taken to the executive box to enjoy the game.

“Liam had the time of his life,” remembered Diane. This “amazing” day was made all the more special, as it was one of the first trips that all four siblings were able to enjoy together.

Liam watched a further three matches, cheering his team. He was also went on a trip to Amsterdam with his brother and some friends, where the youngsters had a fantastic time.

Liam's mum said he had a cheeky sense of humour. Image: Diane McEwanLiam's mum said he had a cheeky sense of humour. Image: Diane McEwan (Image: Diane McEwan) Liam stayed positive during his cancer treatment. Image: Diane McEwanLiam stayed positive during his cancer treatment. Image: Diane McEwan (Image: Diane McEwan)

Liam and his family, supporting his beloved Manchester United. Image: Diane McEwanLiam and his family, supporting his beloved Manchester United. Image: Diane McEwan (Image: Diane McEwan)

Liam prepares for his first ever flight to Amsterdam. Image: Diane McEwanLiam prepares for his first ever flight to Amsterdam. Image: Diane McEwan (Image: Diane McEwan)

Liam was determined that he would live to see his 16th birthday.

“He defied every single medical professional, said Diane. “He kept saying, I’m going to see my birthday – and he did. Not one of us thought he would make it, but he did.

“He was the strongest boy you could ever meet. Three days before he died, he was still walking up and down the stairs.”

 Now, Diane is hoping the community will once more pull together to help her family say goodbye to Liam. She has set up another fundraiser, and wants to give the funeral he deserves.

“That boy deserves the world,” she said. “He fought so hard and for so long. He honestly deserves every last bit of it.”

To support the fundraiser, visit and search 'Liam's life celebration' or click here