A new mental health programme supporting armed forces families has been rolled out in Suffolk.

Developed by Suffolk Mind and Combat2Coffee based in Ipswich, Frontline Families offers training and one-to-one outreach support to serving personnel, veterans and their families across the county.

Funded by The Armed Forces Covenant Fund Trust, it offers free training courses elaborating on understanding trauma and supporting those suffering from mental ill health.

The chief executive of Suffolk Mind, Jon Neal, said: “Suffolk Mind are delighted to be working with Combat2Coffee in launching this important new service.

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“The courses we have made available through Frontline Families are designed to equip serving or former forces personnel and their families with the tools they need to understand trauma and mental health more generally.

Ipswich veteran Nigel Seaman, of Combat2CoffeeIpswich veteran Nigel Seaman, of Combat2Coffee (Image: Contributed)

“It is incredibly hard for people to put themselves in the shoes of the armed forces and the trauma they may have experienced."

The range of courses available is accessible through the Mental Health Toolkit, provided by Suffolk Mind's training arm.

Free online resources are also available, including guides on nightmares and sleep management advice.

Combat2Coffee plays a fundamental role in the whole programme through its delivery of direct support to individuals.

Nigel Seaman, a veteran of the Royal Anglian Regiment and Combat2Coffee's 2018 founder, expressed his delight at the collaboration with Suffolk Mind.

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He said: “It is brilliant to partner with Suffolk Mind and extend our reach in ensuring no armed forces personnel and their families, serving or otherwise, are left behind."

Mr Seaman, who created Combat2Coffee following his personal journey with post-traumatic stress disorder, emphasised the crucial part the new courses will play in educating about trauma and how to manage its effects.

He also expressed his gratitude to The Armed Forces Covenant Trust for the support, which made this service possible.