A special memorial plaque is set to be unveiled this weekend in a Suffolk town to a physician who had a pioneering role in the study of genetic inheritance with diseases.

On Saturday, the Woodbridge and Melton Society is set to unveil the plaque in honour of Sir Archibald Garrod at his former home, Wilford Lodge in Station Road, Melton.

During his career, Sir Archibald, who was born in 1857, practised medicine at St Bartholomew's Hospital in London and made the ground-breaking discovery that some diseases, such as alkaptonuria, were the result of genetic inheritance.

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Alkaptonuria, or black urine disease, is a very rare inherited disorder that prevents the body from fully breaking down two protein building blocks called tyrosine and phenylalanine, resulting in a build-up of acid in the body.

Prior to Sir Archibald's research, the prevailing view had been that human beings were too complex for genetic inheritance, despite the biologist Gregor Mendel identifying genetic inheritance in plants 50 years earlier.

Wilford Lodge was originally acquired by Sir Archibald’s grandfather Robert Garrod in the late 19th century and remained in the family.

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Sir Archibald inherited the property from his father and used it as his country residence and as his permanent residence after his retirement in 1926.

Sir Archibald was also known to have a strong sense of duty and served as a medical consultant to the army in Malta during the First World War, being knighted in 1918 for his wartime service.

Following his death in 1936, he left funds which were used to buy Melton playing field, while there is a memorial sign to him next to the village pavilion.

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A spokesperson for the society said: "Today he is still highly commemorated at the hospital with memorial plaques and displays in the old Garrod building, which is named in his honour."

The society's chair Garth Pollard is set to unveil the plaque. 

The blue plaques honour notable men and women in different areas of the country.

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