A west Suffolk man has said he is "hopeful" assisted dying will be made legal in the coming years after political parties outlined their manifestos in the last week.

Matt Minns, originally from Mildenhall, said he saw his sister, Katie, and his father, David, die in pain from cancer.

David became a campaigner for a change in the law on assisted dying after he was diagnosed with multiple myeloma, a form of blood cancer.

Assisted dying, which is currently illegal, is a controversial topic.

Those opposed to the procedure argue it can be exploited and believe more resource should be invested into improving palliative care services.

David Minns died from cancerDavid Minns died from cancer (Image: David Minns)

Campaigners also argue that assisted dying weakens society's respect for the sanctity of life and it undermines the commitment of doctors and nurses.

Mr Minns has carried on his father's activism since his death and has told of his delight that political parties had suggested a vote on assisted dying would happen in the next Parliament.

The Conservative manifesto said assisted dying was a matter of conscience and was committed to implementing parliament’s will, with the Liberal Democrats making a similar commitment.

The Green Party has backed decriminalising assisted dying, and while Labour did not reference the procedure in its manifesto leader Sir Keir Starmer had previously pledged a vote would be held on a law change.

Political parties have been outlining their manifestos in the build-up to the July 4 general election.

Mr Minns, who grew up in Mildenhall but now lives in London, said: "I was extremely happy to see assisted dying in the manifestos - I know the difference it will make to so many lives.

"I hope every party committing to a vote will allow it to go through the proper process in Parliament.

"The worst part for my dad was the fear - he saw his own daughter die a terrible death and he was already very ill at the time.

"He was afraid. It was something nobody should have to go through.

"I am hopeful for the future. The law is closer than ever to being changed. I really hope that my kids don't ever have to see me go through, if it came to it.

"Assisted dying should be something everyone should be able to choose, free from outside pressure and with all the proper safeguards in place."