A classic car show featuring "beautiful" 1930s Vauxhalls and Austins will take place in Suffolk this week alongside a "locally sourced" farmers'  market.

The Ringshall Village Hall Classic Car Show will shift into gear on Sunday, June 30 as vintage cars, bus and motorcycle fans from across the region gather at Lower Farm Road in Ringshall, near Stowmarket in mid Suffolk.

Debbie Ann, who runs the event, said: "We are really excited for this event. We have been working towards this for a long time and we are looking forward to showing off these beautiful classic cars."

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She added: "There's going to be a wide range of cars to view and we are excited to see the beautiful 1933 Vauxhall and 1935 Austins on display.

"But also, there's going to be loads of vintage motorbikes and cars, plus a 1950s coach, some old school tractors and loads of other beautiful vehicles. It's going to be wonderful."

Mrs Ann, 58, has been a classic car fan since she was a child when her father used to take her to car shows.

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Debbie Ann, who has been a classic car fan for years, has organised the showDebbie Ann, who has been a classic car fan for years, has organised the show (Image: Debbie Ann)

READ MORE: Suffolk Leisure News

"I guess it goes back to my mum and dad taking me to rallies back when I was a child. Since that, my love for cars has been shared with my children and my family and we have all been going to shows in the area for years", she said. 

"So I thought it was time we set up our very own show."

The event will run from 9.30am to 1pm and there will also feature a range of local produce and refreshments from a farmers' market.

This will include homemade cakes, locally produced fudge, meat and cheese, handmade sewn items, beers, spirits and much more.