Plans have been unveiled to redevelop a former Suffolk Barclays Bank branch to provide eight new flats.

Iveagh Properties has applied to East Suffolk Council for permission to convert the former bank building on the corner of Hamilton Road and Victoria Street to provide homes from the ground floor up to the second floor.

The existing commercial use of the ground floor will be retained, while a single storey extension is proposed to the rear of the second floor to provide homes.

READ MORE: Barclays branch in Felixstowe to close this summer

In total, there will be nine flats as there is an existing flat at the site, while a gym that occupies part of the building will remain in situ.

In a planning statement to the council, Iveagh Properties said: "The proposed conversion of the upper floors will support the increasing demand for housing in the area and contribute to the vibrancy and vitality of the neighbourhood.

"The ground floor will continue its commercial use, ensuring the continuation of active street frontage.

READ MORE: TSB closing in Hamilton Road in Felixstowe in September

"The basements will remain untouched and be accessed from the commercial units.

"The existing gym will remain in situ."

The applicants said the rear extension would be 'sympathetic to the building's frontage and provide a more positive facade to Victoria Street'.

They added: "The proposal is considered to respect the existing building and will deliver a design quality that respects and preserves the features of the building whilst enhancing the building to enable its continued longevity well into the future."

READ MORE: Barclays is set to close Leiston branch at the end of May

The bank closed in June 2022.

A document released by Barclays at the time revealed the number of counter transactions in branches had dropped in the two years leading up to the first lockdown during the COVID-19 pandemic in March 2020.

READ MORE: Felixstowe news