Tenants at a care home are planning a 200-mile walk in memory of a much-loved carer.

The residents from Dell View assisted living facility are aiming to complete the equivalent distance of Leeds to Lowestoft, in dedication to their late friend Carl Andrews.

They aim to raise £1,000 for two good causes in his honour.

Carl, who dedicated nine years to care giving at Dell View, died after being diagnosed with Sarcoma cancer in July.

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His colleagues and the facility's tenants are committed to remembering him by raising funds for Beccles and District War Memorial Hospital.

This hospital was of great help during Carl's final days, making the cause all the more poignant.

Additionally, the raised funds will also contribute to creating a memorial garden at Dell View.

It will serve as a safe space for tenants to remember Carl and find peace.

The series of walks is quite significant.

Carl was a passionate Emmerdale fan and often took tenants to the Leeds-based studios, hence, the chosen distance is a heartening connection to him.

Joy Henshaw, the regional director of Wellbeing Care, said: “Carl was more than just a caregiver, he was a friend, mentor, and advocate for independence.

"His dedication to those in his care was unwavering, and he spent nine years making sure they felt special, valued, and capable.

“Carl's influence extended beyond daily care.

“He promoted independence, encouraged learning, and fostered self-worth among the tenants.

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"As the tenants of Dell View take on this walking challenge, they’re not just raising funds — they’re remembering Carl's mission of love, care, and empowerment.”

Throughout August, the tenants look forward to embarking on this journey, welcoming all donations to keep Carl’s spirit alive.

Donations are welcome via a GoFundMe page.

For more information on Wellbeing Care, visit Wellbeing Care's website.