The more I think about it, the angrier I get. The Prime Minister, Rishi Sunak cuts short a visit to commemorate the 80th anniversary of D-Day in France to pre-record an interview with ITV News doubling down on his incorrect statements about Labour's tax plans. Does he have no respect for the generation who gave us the freedoms we have today. This will probably be the last big chance to mark this event as sadly age is catching up with the few remaining men and women who witnessed it first-hand.

This was a day when we should all come together whatever our political persuasion and remember those who paid the ultimate sacrifice to free Europe from the grip of the Nazi’s.

Yet at the first opportunity the PM scuttled back to the United Kingdom, on a day when most political campaigning had ended, leaving the Foreign Secretary, David Cameron to pose for photographs with other world leaders.

He chose to nip back home at the first opportunity when the likes of the US President Joe Biden, French President Emanuel Macron and German Chancellor, Olaf Scholz, all stayed for the international part of the ceremony which was broadcast around the world.

Some have tried to defend him and say he’s the PM and has important things going on. Well, so have the likes of Joe Biden fighting an election against Donald Trump. He managed to find the time to stay.

What is wrong with giving up half a day to mark this momentous occasion. Others have said he was badly advised. Maybe he was. You only have to look at the litany of bloopers so far this campaign to think maybe that’s true, but he didn’t have to take that advice. He could have ignored it and been the statesman this country needs but he chose not to.

Yes, he’s apologised but that’s only done to try and stop the story from being front page news all weekend and beyond. If he realises it’s wrong now, why didn’t he realise before he did it.

He wants today’s teenagers to do National Service but can’t be bothered to hang around to honour actual veterans of an actual war.

Could you imagine the late great Sir Winston Churchill doing something similar? Could you picture our late Queen Elizabeth II doing this? Would Margaret Thatcher miss it or even God forbid, Boris Johnson? No, nor can I. Even King Charles with his ongoing cancer treatment stayed the course and so did the those incredible veterans but our PM chose to come home to do a political interview.

The world is a scary place at the moment, and we need a PM who can play his or her part on that stage. This anniversary was a chance to show that but instead Sunak sneaks back to the UK to try and save his own political skin. Yes, we have a catalogue of domestic issues that need sorting, but we also need someone who looks after our international problems to.

Will this make much difference when it comes to polling day, will this be his Gordon Brown “Bigot” moment? We’ll have to wait and see.

It’s certainly not going well for him in the polls and let’s not forget he came second to the disastrous Liz Truss in the Conservative leadership contest. I’ve spoken to several Conservative sources who are holding their heads in their hands and wondering what’s going to happen next and quite frankly they’re not alone.